Syntactic Atlas of Dutch Dialects – Commentary – Volume I

Table of contents


0          Introduction

0.1       Introduction

0.2       Syntactic phenomena

0.3       Maps

            0.3.1     Symbol maps

            0.3.2     Colour maps

0.4       Commentary

0.5       Dynamic Syntactic Atlas

0.6       Measuring Points

0.7       Informants

0.8       Methodology

0.9       Elicitation techniques

0.10      Data collection

0.11      Digitalisation and transcription

0.12      Organisation

0.13      References

0.14      SAND syntax: a guide to the use of this atlas

            0.14.1   Commentary

            0.14.2   Atlas


1         Complementisers

1.1       Introduction

            1.1.1     Complementisers

            1.1.2                 Absence and doubling of complementisers

            1.1.3                 Complementiser agreement

            1.1.4     Historical development

1.2      Discussion of the literature

1.3      Discussion of the maps

            1.3.1                Complementisers

            1.3.2                 Complementiser agreement; general

            1.3.3                Complementiser agreement first person singular

            1.3.4                 Complementiser agreement second person singular

            1.3.5    Complementiser agreement third person singular

            1.3.6         Complementiser agreement first person plural

            1.3.7    Complementiser agreement second person plural

            1.3.8    Complementiser agreement third person plural

            1.3.9    Plural –n in complementiser agreement

            1.3.10               Complementiser agreement –e in plural

            1.3.11               Complementiser agreement in comparatives

1.4      Literature on complementisers and complementiser agreement


Subject pronouns

2.1        Introduction

2.1.1  Personal subject pronouns  General introduction  Strong pronouns  Weak pronouns  Pro-drop

2.1.2  Expletives: er and het

2.2       Discussion of the literature

2.2.1  Personal pronouns

2.2.2  Expletives

2.3        Discussion of the maps: personal pronouns

2.3.1  Subject pronouns first person singular

2.3.2  Subject pronouns second person singular

2.3.3  Subject pronouns third person singular masculine

2.3.4  Subject pronouns third person singular feminine

2.3.5  Subject pronouns first person plural

2.3.6  Subject pronouns second person plural

            2.3.7  Subject pronouns third person plural

            2.3.8  Overview maps on personal pronouns

2.4       Discussion of the maps: expletive er and het

            2.4.1  Expletive subject in regular order in existential clause

            2.4.2  Expletive subject in inversion in existential clause

            2.4.3  Expletive subject following complementiser in existential clause

            2.4.4  Expletive subject in inversion in impersonal construction

2.5       Literature on subject pronouns and expletives


3          Subject doubling and cliticization after ja and nee

3.1       Subject doubling

3.1.1     Introduction

    Doubling and tripling

    Doubling and tripling of personal subject pronoun

    Doubling of other nominal phrases

     Historical development

3.1.2     Discussion of the literature

3.1.3     Discussion of the maps

    Subject doubling first person singular

    Subject doubling first person plural

    Subject doubling second person singular

    Subject doubling second person plural

    Subject doubling third person singular masculine

    Subject doubling third person singular feminine

    Subject doubling third person singular neuter

    Subject doubling third person singular, doubling of lexical noun phrases

    Subject doubling third person plural

   Subject doubling; synthesis


3.2       Subject clitics following ja (‘yes’) and nee (‘no’)

3.2.1     Introduction

3.2.2     Discussion of the literature

3.2.3     Discussion of the maps

    Clitics following ja ‘yes’/ nee ‘no’, first person singular

    Clitics following ja ‘yes’/ nee ‘no’, second person singular and plural

    Clitics following ja ‘yes’/ nee ‘no', third person singular masculine

    Clitics following ja ‘yes’/ nee ‘no', third person singular feminine

    Clitics following ja ‘yes’/ nee ‘no’, third person singular neuter

    Clitics following ja ‘yes’/ nee ‘no’, first person plural

    Clitics following ja ‘yes’/ nee ‘no’, third person plural

    Generalised jaat

3.3       Literature on subject doubling and subject clitics following ja (‘yes’) and nee (‘no’)


4          Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns    

4.1       Introduction

4.1.1     Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns

4.1.2     Reflexive pronouns in Standard Dutch

4.1.3     The position of reflexive pronouns

4.1.4     Exceptional constructions with weak reflexive pronouns

4.1.5     Reciprocal pronouns

4.1.6     Eén ('one')–pronominalisation

4.1.7     Historical development

4.2       Discussion of the literature

4.3       Discussion of the maps

4.3.1     Weak reflexive pronouns as objects

4.3.2     Strong reflexive pronouns as objects

4.3.3     Reflexive pronouns as the object of a preposition

4.3.4     Reflexive pronouns as part of the subject

4.3.5     Reflexive pronouns in AcI–constructions

4.3.6     Reflexive pronouns; synthesis

            4.3.7     Exceptional constructions with weak reflexive pronouns

4.3.8     Reciprocal pronouns

4.3.9     Eén ('one')–pronominalisation

4.4        Literature on reflexive and reciprocal pronouns


5          Fronting

5.1        Introduction

5.1.1     Fronting

5.1.2     Relative clauses

5.1.3     Partial fronting of question words

5.1.4     Other instances of fronting  Split fronting  Preposition stranding  Fronting in subordinate clauses with inversion  Fronting in main clauses without inversion  Fronting in imperative clauses

5.1.5     Historical development

5.2        Discussion of the literature

5.3        Discussion of the maps

            5.3.1     Relative clauses

            5.3.2     Partial fronting of question words

5.3.3     Other instances of fronting

5.4        Literature on fronting